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2014-05-19 04:04  

Póliza general para estudiantes extranjeros en China (que cubre accidentes, gastos sanitarios, y gastos en caso de fallecimiento). Tasas de la póliza: 600 yuanes por año, 300 yuanes por seis mese, 240 yuanes por tres meses, 180 yuanes por dos meses.

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Videos for GDUFS 30th Anniversary for International Students Programs
University of Westminster Visited GDUFS
Chairman of the Council of Makerere University of Uganda visits GDUFS
Consul General of Greece in Guangzhou Visited GDUFS
UCLan – GDUFS Discuss Further Cooperation
The Delegation of French Clermont Business School Visited GDUFS
Delegation from the First Consulate General of Portugal in Guangzhou visited GDUFS
Delegation from NCU visited GDUFS

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